Complete Premium #6/#8 Hose Kit for Full Hydraulic Steering PSC Performance Steering Components
The PSC Premium Full Hydraulic Steering 6/8 Hose Kit is complete with all the top quality plumbing and fittings, including critical -8AN fitting upgrades for greater system efficiency, required for most standard Full Hydraulic Steering installations.
- 8 FT 6 3/8 Inch ID Eaton Weatherhead High Pressure Hose
- 4 FT 8 1/2 Inch ID Eaton Weatherhead High Pressure Hose
- 6 FT 8 1/2 Inch ID Low Pressure Hose
- HA2-690, EatonWeatherhead Field Serviceable 6 90 Degree Fitting, Quantity4
- HA3-890, Eaton Weatherhead Field Serviceable 8 90 Degree Fitting, Quantity 2
- Upgraded -8AN Fittings for Steering Control Unit Pressure and Return Ports, Quantity 2
- -8AN 90 Degree Low Pressure Push-Lok Fitting for Steering Control Unit Return Port-To-Remote Reservoir, Quantity 1
- HC01, Hose Clamp, Quantity 2