Toyota 8 Inch Rear Axle V6 29 Spline with Locker Ring and Pinion Mini Install Kit Revolution Gear
Revolution Gear and Axle Ring and Pinion Mini Install Kits offer a low-cost option when working on your differential. Mini Kits contain the basic components needed to overhaul your differential ring and pinion gear set, bearings are not included.
Our Kits include: Pinion seal, Pinion Shims, Carrier Shims, Pinion Nut, Gasket or Sealant, Preload Shims or Crush Sleeve and Ring Gear Bolts. Ring and pinion mini install kits are a great option when you can re-use new or lightly used bearings.
Ring and Pinion Mini Install Kit Specifications
- Compatibility: Fits Toyota 8 Inch V6 Rear Axle Differentials with 29 spline ring and pinion and with Locker. Compatible with 2005-15 Tacoma, 2007-14 FJ Cruiser, 2003-09 Lexus GX470, 2003-23 Land Cruiser Prado 120/150 Series (Overseas Model).
- Differential: Toyota 8.0 Inch V6
- Pinion Bearings Included: No
- Carrier Bearings Included: No
- Axle Seals Included: No
- Ring Gear Bolts Included: Yes
- Pinion Shims Included: Yes
- Carrier Shims Included: Yes
- Pinion Seal Included: Yes
- Crush Sleeve Included: Yes
- Cover Gasket or Gasket Maker Silicone Included: Yes